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One Wine a Week Challenge with Wine Folly


I ran across a wonderful post on Instagram from Wine Folly that proposed a schedule of trying a wine a week for 34 weeks. I love the idea of a tribe of people all trying the same things each week and the possibility of comparing notes. we go!

Short detail on the "rules"

  • Accessible wines: we want to drink something that anyone with access to a local wine store or online wine store can buy.

  • No price tags higher than $30: we’re looking for something accessible. No one should have to take out a second mortgage on their home to drink great wine!

  • Representative wines: we want to cover wines and grapes that are typical of their regions. Pinot Noir from Oregon, Gewürztraminer from Alsace, etc.

  • Follow the rules: we’re going to follow the rules to the letter: 34 wines, 12 countries, 9 styles.

Week 1 (last week): Spanish Cava

Cava is sparkling wine from Spain. I mentioned this wine in the sparkling wine post and about how the value for Cava is great - highly recommended.

My bottle is Naveran Brut Nature, Vintage 2018 that I found at the Dekalb Farmer's Market in Decatur, GA. Honestly, I really just liked the label on this one...and it was not too expensive.

Wine Folly describes how to taste and describe wine here. Then - after the tasting - they post notes to the wine list. Spanish Cava post is available now.

I really enjoyed this wine. Again, Spain has such great value for quality.

This cava was light and refreshing, but still creamy with citrus and almond flavors.

I had a "bowl" for dinner with this - beans, rice, shrimp, salad with a spicy dressing. It worked well with the cava (although I am already a big fan of sparkling wine with food).

Don't forget to post on social media with #34Wines34Weeks!

Next up (THIS week): French Beaujolais

Try this one in preparation for Thanksgiving. It is a light, friendly red that pairs well with the traditional Thanksgiving meal: Turkey, dressing/stuffing, vegetables.

Gamay is the dominant grape in most of these.


תגובה אחת

18 בנוב׳ 2020

Great idea. PS: I can't wait to taste the Beaujolais this year . Not the greatest wine from France but so much fun when shared with friends on casual dinner party. This year no party to celebrate that with friends but we will still honor the tradition . :-)

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